
Rain Or Shine, Run United 2 Go!

Another great running event organized by Unilab Active Health and RunRio Inc., The Run United 2. It is the second leg of the trilogy and runners who've joined the first run would have already completed two thirds of the pie medal.

Early dawn of June 17, 2012 came a bed weather. As much as I wanted to stay in bed and curled under the sheet, duty calls, plus I wanted to see this well anticipated running event. Rain starts to shower when I left the house, then it pours a bit harder while travelling off to SM Mall of Asia.

The Start and Finish Line
The road was wet and the whole venue were still dripping with rain water. Though the weather was not good, still, runners are coming in and piling up for this running event. Some were still with sleepy eyes and some are already eager to run. It was around past 5 AM when runners started looking for their category areas. Great that the whole venue are well mapped out with signs and banners to easily locate category areas.

Runners looking for their category area.
Runners getting ready for the run'

Few minutes before 5:30 AM, runners for the 10K Category run started to gather in the starting line and they were given a little warm up and some few reminders before the run. Then the gun fire was shot. Bang! And they're off.  Few minutes after, it was time for the 5K Category run.  Everyone lined up in front of the starting line and as a routine runners need to get warmed up before engaging to a run.  Everyone pump up their joints and ligaments with the beat of the music.  Runners settled and waited.  Then the much awaited gun shot fired! The 5K Category run has most number of participants which took time before the area was cleared.  As much as I wanted to join the run, I'm well aware that I wouldn't catch up with the fastest runner and I might not catch the winners crossing the finish line. So, I've stayed behind and waited.

It's the right decision to stay behind and waited because just a few minutes after they've been off to run, the fastest runner for the 10K Category run was already visible from the finish line. Few more seconds and he reached the finish line. Followed by the fastest runner from the 5K Category.  Two of the 5K Category runner were Filipinos and the other one is a foreigner.  They are just minutes away from each other.  Panting for their breath, marshals placed an ID tag on them to indicate that they were the top three fastest runner for the 5K Category Run.  Top three fastest female runner for the 5K Category run were also given an ID tag for proper distinction.  Few more minutes and most of the runners already crossed the finish line, mostly are 5K Category runners.   Different runners, different styles and different tricks to attract attention but they all have one common goal... to cross that finish line.

Runners finishing one by one.

Great way to celebrate FATHER'S DAY with Dad!
Since the 5K Category run has the most number of participants, runners built a traffic in getting their loot bags.  Thanks to the marshals it was immediately addressed and avoided longer build up of traffic.  Some of the runners who runs the 5K Category is the Father and Son tandem (see the picture above) in which the son is proudly wrote "MY DAD" and a line pointing to his father on his chest.  He sure was aware of the Father's Day.

After covering the runs it was time to roam around the event area. Get to try different facilities and brand booths. Most of the brand booths were engaging enough for the runners, kids and parents. It is indeed a great place to enjoy by the whole family, especially in a very good weather. While doing round ups with the booths I was able to interview different runners and get their insights about the entire event. Three of whom I've interviewed were first timers who take down the challenge of running the 5K Category run and two were a couple who happens to be celebrating their wedding anniversary that day. They enjoyed the run and they assured that they'll be joining again on the next run. I was able to interview other runners who have joined the first leg and they were very happy to have completed the second leg and they are looking forward for the next leg of the run. All of them agreed that it was a great running event, though there were some recommendations raised. Some of the recommendations were:
  • To have more tables and staff in providing loot bags and giveaways for the runners. 
  • To have more kilometer marker.

John, first time to join a run.
Sweet couple, first time to join a run.
After an hour of booth hopping and interviews it was time for the announcements of winners. The first few awarding was enjoined by Zoren Legazpi and Carmina Villaroel together with their kids. Trophies, medals, and other prizes were given to the winners. In between of the awarding, participants for the Cheerdance Competition does their routine. Here are the winners of Run United 2 in different categories.

21k Male Category Winners
1st Place Dancan Samuel
2nd Place Benjamin Kipkazi
3rd Place Jackson Chirchir

21k Female Category Winners
1st Place Esther Kipserem
2nd Place Christabel Martes
3rd Place Aileen Breen

10k Male Category Winners
1st Place Elliud Kering
2nd Place David Kipsang
3rd Place Juluis Kimuge

10k Female Category Winners
1st Place Nhea Ann Barcena
2nd Place Genevieve De Lapena
3rd Place Merlyn Lumagbas

5k Male Category Winners
1st Place Allen Santiago
2nd Place Andy Pope
3rd Place Joseph Odhuno

5k Female Category Winners
1st Place Ana Jane Tamayo
2nd Place Catherine Bristol
3rd Place Miscelle Gilbuena

3k Male Category Winners
1st Place Micheal Bacong
2nd Place Wenlie Maulas
3rd Place Elquin John Quinto

3k Female Category Winners
1st Place Mercedita Fetalvero
2nd Place Miz De Vera
3rd Place Mary Grace Dela Torre

500m Female Category Winners 5-8 yrs old
1st Place Princess Tayrus
2nd Place Hannah Malilim
3rd Place Julianne Wednesday

500m Male Category Winners 5-8 yrs old
1st place Jerico Empreso
2nd Place Luigi Ballester
3rd Place Thomas Marco Perez

500m Male Category Winners 9-12 yrs old
1st Place Lee Andrie Alvarez
2nd Place Joshua Gonzalez
3rd Place Bertino Otinez

500m Female Category Winners 9-12 yrs old
1st Place Abby Viscara
2nd Place Allenase Castillo
3rd Place Angelie Froyalde

Winners in different categories.

Great that the weather cooperated with the event which enables the runners and organizers (Unilab Active Health and Ranrio Inc.) to make the entire activity a success. What I like about the event is the whole shebangs. They were able to grasp the interests of runners not only during the run but also after. The thirst are not only quench but also the hunger for fun and exciting activities.

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Hi!, This is Marco a.k.a. Toto Blogger and Publisher. I created this blog to provide stories, personal experiences, entertainment, and insights on products I like. I'm here to share and inform you (readers) on things about music, movie, food, travel, and events.

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