
A Cycle of Missed Moments

It’s Monday, another start of the week. Though my body urges me to go back to bed my mind is telling me to wake up or I’ll be late for work. That’s what I feel every Monday whenever I get up and prepare for work. My morning starts around quarter or few minutes before 5 am, preparing myself and getting ready to go to work. I leave the house at around quarter to six.

Before moving out of the house I make sure to have a last peek of the kids. It is a little keepsake for the whole week that I’ll not be around with them. I would be missing them for some time and it breaks my heart leaving the kids and my wife. They are Daddyless for the week but I have to because it’s for them.

I remember the time when I was still in elementary, it was the kid’s era. Kid artists are making their way to the music industry and one of the songs that I clearly remember is the “Eh Kasi Bata”. Yes, I was still young that time.  It was also the start of the era of parents working abroad, that was the time that my father, with my mother’s approval of course, decided to work abroad.

Though I don’t fully understand the situation I know I’ll be missing my father and I’m not happy about it. All I can remember is that I wake up one morning and his not there anymore. He has already flown to Saipan.

After few days of waking up and not hearing the sound of the “walis tingting”, which he always do, sweeping around the house made me realized that I’m missing him already. It all started to sink in and I realized as well that we’re fatherless for the coming Christmas. Yes, he left two weeks before the Noche Buena, a very not so good Christmas present for us. It was a lonely moment for us that time when everyone was happy saying Merry Christmas to their love ones.  It was even lonelier when I saw fathers together with their family coming out of the church at Christmas day.  Another more week and it was New Year’s Eve. No father to help me build “kanyon” as we used to do for the New Year.

Communication that time was scarce, we have to ride a jeep and go to a telephone company overseas call area to make a long distance call which we rarely do for it is costly. We just content ourselves with the letter that we send and the letter we received from our father. If my father has extra money he would make a cassette recording telling us how he misses us all and include it in his letter.

My father missed not plenty of moments but he missed important events of our lives. He missed our school recognition when he was supposed to pin those awards and he also missed our birthdays when he was supposed to be there helping my mom preparing for the important day.   The only thing that he can do that time to compensate is to send some small gifts for us which I know he worked really hard for that just to gave us something during those important times.

My father at the airport.  This picture was taken by one of photographers at the
Airport taking advantage of the overseas workers.

After nearly a year, my father went home with nothing. He sacrificed his time away from us and ending up unsuccessful. I know even though he doesn’t want us to see it he’s regretful working abroad, most especially missing the important times that he should be with us.

The cycle of life revolves so fast and now I’m a father. Experiencing what my father has gone through during the time that I was kid. I thought working away from the family won’t happen to me but I was wrong because I did the same decision that my father took before, working away from home. Perhaps the only thing that has been change was that I work just a province away and have a chance to come home when I want to and with a shorter span of time.

Still, I’m missing things that as a Dad should have experienced together with their family. I envy those Dads who have been there as always and instantly for their family.  For some people they've thought that I was a super Dad who’s always there, they’re wrong because I, too have missed some of the events in my family and it breaks my whole being knowing that I missed those events, especially when watching a recorded event that I’m not the one who recorded it. It lessens the sense of pride of being a Dad.

One of my son's performance that I missed.
  • I missed the moment of being there on my wife side when she’s delivering our babies when I was supposed to there and be the bars that she can hold on to while having labor.
  • I missed the moment when our eldest son, Maki had a perfect performance during their school program. I should have been there to boost up his confidence and to cheer that he can do it.
  • I missed talking to my son, Maki after his very first day in school. I should be the one who fetch him from school.
  • I missed our babies’ first moves, first smile, first words, first crawl and first walk. All their first that should have been documented.
  • I missed being there for my kids when they are sick.  Just recently, my youngest son, Gelo was brought to the hospital.  It was comvulsion caused by high fever, my wife was in trauma rushing our baby to the hospital.  I was helpless and couldn't be there instantly.  It was a mixed emotions of despair, anger and fear.  I want to run, I want to fly just be there that instance but distance and time hinders that.
Celebrations or not there are missed moments in our life that we couldn't bring back again, perhaps the only thing that matters is how we cope with that shortcomings.

Recently Max's Restaurant introduced their newest offer to people who missed memorable events of their family or love ones.  Here's the video about it.

Max's Restaurant aims to offer convenience to their customers by making Max's dishes close to families by offering real food and real goodness.  This offer is great for people who's away for work that don't want to miss important events of their love ones, most especially for individuals working abroad or far away from home which is like me who only comes home after a week.  There are four ways to order and enjoy real food, Dine-in, Take-out, Deliver Now and Deliver Later.  A convenient way for making sure that you won't missed celebrations.

Now, communications are much more easier than before and missing important events is not an options.  You maybe not be there physically but online and that's what Max's is main goal keeping the love ones closer to home when they are not and enjoy "salu-salo kahit malayo".

Visit www.maxschicken.com to know more of #salosalokahitmalayo.

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Hi!, This is Marco a.k.a. Toto Blogger and Publisher. I created this blog to provide stories, personal experiences, entertainment, and insights on products I like. I'm here to share and inform you (readers) on things about music, movie, food, travel, and events.

You can also meet my wife on her blog www.mommysmaglife.com.

For project collaborations, product reviews, event invitations, or hotel and resort experience reviews, kindly email me at marcopolojdemo@yahoo.com.

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