

Last September 28, 2011, after the surging winds and rain of Typhoon Pedring, we were able to attend the Press Conference of Vice Ganda’s newest and up-coming movie entitled PRAYBEYT BENJAMIN. The theme of the press conference was green and army.

It was a star studded press conference and also well formed cast by generation. This is what we have noticed there were the generation of the bachelor - Kean Cipriano and Carlos Agassi, the generation of bachelorette - Vice Ganda, the generation of young parents - Nikki Valdez and DJ Durano, the generation of matured parents - Malou De Guzman, and the last generation, the generation of the senior citizen – the honorable Director Eddie Garcia. I think Direk Wenn have created a cast of great actors of all generations to bring one heck of a good movie.

During the press conference there were many parts of the movie that were given emphasis. One of them is the acceptance issue not only in the gender issue but more precisely as an individual. There were also admission, like in the famous phrase “the truth shall set you free” and I think those who have admitted some events in their life surely set themselves free. So mainly the movie is not just laughs but it features pigments of reality, reality that is actually happening in our society.

As we all know Vice Ganda has become a very popular gay icon, from being a stand-up comedian up to becoming a product endorser, a host and a performer. Vice Ganda has been shining very bright and now it will shine much brighter with his latest upcoming movie “PRAYBEYT BEJAMIN”.

 In this movie Vice plays the role of Bejamin Santos whose family has a long tradition of serving in the military. In fact, the movie’s stunning opening traces the roots of the Santos’ military service, from the days of Lapu-lapu and the Katipunan, up to the current times.

Conflict ensues when Lolo Benjamin which was played by Eddie Garcia fins out that his grandson (Vice) cannot continue the tradition because he is gay.

But when Lolo Benjamin is captured by terrorists, the grandson enters the military and musters all his masculine strength to save his dear grandfather, and the rest of the war-torn country as well.

Helping Praybeyt Benjamin in his quest are the member of a misfit platoon played by, among others, Derek Ramsay, DJ Durano, Vandolph, Jimmy Santos, Eddie Garcia, Dennis Padilla, Carlos Agassi, malouDe Guzman, Tutti Caringal, Kean Cipriano and Nikki Valdez.

This movie is the result of Vice’s good collaboration with the blockbuster director Wenn Deramas.

Be thrilled and be awed by Vice Ganda when “PRAYBEYT BENJAMIN’ opens in theaters nationwide on Oct. 12!

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